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  4. Робота Onboarding Specialist в Києві
  5. Onboarding Specialist
Відправити резюме

Onboarding Specialist

60 000 грн.
 26 вересня 2024  Київ 
Компанія: Bang Cookies  ( (Всі вакансії)
Рубрики:Торгівля, продажі, закупівлі; Офісний персонал; Робота за кордоном


Побажання до співробітника

Освіта:не має значення
Досвід роботи:від двох років
Графік роботи:повний робочий день

Опис вакансії

The Onboarding Specialist plays a key role in helping new franchisees and fundraising leads successfully navigate their onboarding process. This position involves providing training, resources, and ongoing support to ensure smooth integration and success of the franchisee operations, and positive outcomes for cookie fundraiser organizers. The Specialist serves as the main point of contact, offering guidance and expertise to promote long-term success of either the franchisees or cookie fundraiser organizers.

Key Responsibilities:

1. Franchisee Onboarding:

  • Act as the primary contact for new franchisees throughout the onboarding process.
  • Deliver training materials, presentations, and guides covering operations, branding, marketing, and best practices.
  • Lead virtual onboarding sessions to ensure franchisees fully understand procedures and tools.
  • Assist with legal documents, software setup, marketing resources, inventory procurement, and compliance requirements.
  • Monitor franchisee progress, addressing questions and resolving any issues.
  • Collaborate with departments (operations, marketing, finance) to provide necessary resources.
  • Track initial performance and recommend improvements for franchisee operations as needed.

2. Cookie Fundraiser Lead Onboarding:

  • Serve as the primary liaison for organizers starting their cookie fundraiser programs.
  • Share fundraising strategies, training materials, and tools to maximize success of the organizers.
  • Advise on promotional materials, event planning, and outreach methods to increase fundraiser participation.
  • Coordinate with fundraiser stakeholders (school principals and teachers, PTA/PTO members, sports team coaches etc.) align goals and expectations, and assist in troubleshooting.
  • Track fundraising progress and offer support to the organizers throughout the fundraiser period.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of fundraising efforts and suggest improvements.

3. Relationship Management:

  • Develop long-term positive relationships with franchisees and fundraiser organizers.
  • Provide ongoing post-onboarding support.
  • Regularly check in with franchisees and fundraiser organizers to ensure satisfaction, and resolve issues.
  • Work with internal teams to address challenges during and after onboarding.

Required Qualifications:

  • Proficient command of English is a must, both spoken and written.
  • At least 2 years of experience in account management, sales, or customer support.
  • Familiarity with American business culture.
  • Strong communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to manage multiple onboarding processes simultaneously.
  • Familiarity with CRM systems, collaboration tools, and project management tools (Clickup, Gsuite, Slack)
  • Problem-solving and troubleshooting skills.
  • Experience with franchise businesses and/or food businesses is a plus.

Key Skills:

  • Project Management: Ability to oversee multiple onboarding projects efficiently.
  • Communication: Excellent verbal and written communication for professional interactions.
  • Training & Development: Ability to create and present training materials in a clear and engaging way.
  • Customer Service: Strong focus on customer satisfaction throughout the onboarding process.
  • Time Management: Ability to organize and prioritize tasks to meet deadlines.

This role emphasizes a dual focus on training and relationship management, ensuring franchisees and fundraiser organizers are fully supported throughout their onboarding journey, with continuous improvements based on feedback and evolving needs.

Send your CV and cover letters to відправити резюме, with the subject line 'Franchisee and cookie fundraiser lead - John Doe resume' (replace 'John Doe' with your first-last name).


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