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  4. Робота OSINT Analyst в Києві
  5. OSINT Analyst
Відправити резюме

OSINT Analyst

 25 квітня  Київ 
Компанія: B.M Recruiting  ( (Всі вакансії)
Рубрики:Охорона, безпека; Офісний персонал


Контактна особа:Олена

Побажання до співробітника

Освіта:повна вища
Досвід роботи:обов'язковий
Графік роботи:повний робочий день

Опис вакансії

Legal Analytic to support the Department for Protection of Children's Interests and Countering Domestic Violence of the Office of the Prosecutor General | Kyiv 2024

Name of the program: PFRU, "Sustainability" component, a program to support the mechanism of missing persons, cooperation with the Department for Protection of Children's Interests and Countering Domestic Violence of the Office of the Prosecutor General

Position: Legal Analytic to support the Department for Protection of Children's Interests and Countering

Domestic Violence of the Office of the Prosecutor General

Reports to:  Department for Protection of Children's Interests and Countering Domestic Violence of the Office of the Prosecutor General


PFRU starts supporting the Department for Protection of Children's Interests and Countering Domestic Violence of the Office of the Prosecutor General

PFRU strives to provide support to the Department for Protection of Children's Interests and Countering Domestic Violence of the Office of the Prosecutor General and is, therefore, ready to facilitate the official employment of experts.


  • Monitoring of open sources and generalization of information on the national case of deportation to the Russian Federation and forced displacement of Ukrainian children within the TOT (using OSINT tools)
  • Systematization of the collected information and assistance in further collection of evidence. Search for information of interest to the case, its processing, analysis, collection and synthesis of available information, solving tactical problems that arise in the course of the investigation


  • Higher education, 
  •  Knowledge of OSINT tools 
  •  Analytical and systems thinking; 
  •  Attention to detail and processing of a large amount of information;
  •  Initiative, responsibility, purposefulness, ability to work within clearly defined deadlines, tactfulness; 
  •  Ability to carry out in-depth analysis of information from open sources
  •  Emotional stability in tense and crisis situations.

Duration of Assignment: Full-time April 2024 – August 2024

Schedule: Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm, office/remote

Location of Assignment: Kyiv


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