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  3. Вакансії в Києві
  4. Робота Procurement Officer в Києві
  5. Procurement Officer
Відправити резюме

Procurement Officer

  8 липня 2024  Київ 
Компанія: Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine  ( (Всі вакансії)
Рубрики:Торгівля, продажі, закупівлі


Телефон: +38 (099) 361-74-46
Контактна особа:Roman Pishchalov
Адреса:Київ, вул. М. Брайчевського

Побажання до співробітника

Освіта: незакінчена вища
Досвід роботи:бажано
Графік роботи:повний робочий день

Опис вакансії


Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine (STCU) is an intergovernmental non-profit organization established to support research and development activities for peaceful applications by scientists and engineers formerly involved with the development of weapons of mass destruction. STCU’s activity is governed by the intergovernmental Agreement on the establishment of the Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine that was initially signed by Canada, Sweden, Ukraine and the United States of America. Subsequently, the European Union replaced Sweden, and Azerbaijan, Georgia, Uzbekistan and Moldova joined the countries who had signed the Agreement. In addition to funding research projects, STCU is active in other fields including the searching of scientific partners, conducting the on-site presentations, scientific workshops, implementation of partnership projects, providing grants for overseas travel and supporting the patenting.

STCU is currently expanding its operations and is looking to recruit a Procurement Officer.

Key Responsibilities

The Procurement Officer shall be a member of a small procurement team and perform the procurement of goods, works, and services for STCU-funded projects in accordance with STCU’s procurement policies and rules. The job includes:

  • Determining the relevant procedure for procurement (e.g. open tender, direct purchase, etc.) to be used,
  • Checking specifications and schedules of requirements for their fitness for inclusion into the tender documents,
  • Preparing the procurement documents (requests for quotations, invitations for tenders, tender documents, requests for proposals, etc.),
  • Defining tender evaluation criteria,
  • Corresponding with prospective tenderers,
  • Taking part in evaluation of tenders, price quotations, and other commercial offers of potential suppliers of goods, works and services,
  • Preparing evaluation reports, award notices, contracts,
  • Processing payments,
  • Maintaining an audit trail of the procurement process.

Education / Qualifications / Experience

  • University degree (minimum bachelor’s degree in business administration, finance, foreign trade, management or similar fields),
  • Computer literacy: MS Windows, Office (Word, Excel, Dynamics), enterprise recourse planning and business management applications,
  • Understanding of international procurement practices,
  • Experience in working for an international, intergovernmental, or not-for-profit organization, or a technical assistance or an aid project,
  • Good spoken and written communication skills in English and Ukrainian,
  • Good interpersonal skills,
  • Enthusiastic to work for an international organisation.

Interested persons should write in English with their CV to: відправити резюме

Please quote file No. 2024−28 when responding to this advertisement.


Шановні кандидати, звертаємо вашу увагу на платні номери телефонів з кодом 070 (700), 090 (900), а також на прямі короткі мобільні номери. Вартість хвилини розмови з таким номером може становити до 60 грн. Якщо Ви подзвонили за номером телефону вказаному в вакансії, а автовідповідач або людина що відповіла пропонує передзвонити на номер з таким кодом — переконливе прохання, не дзвоніть, щоб не стати жертвою телефонного обману!

Крім того, просимо вас остерігатися вакансій, де потрібне внесення заставної суми або страхового внеску. Пам'ятайте! Будь-яке вкладення коштів, яке потрібно від здобувача, в 90% випадків є шахрайством!

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