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  4. Робота QA Test Automation Engineer Remote в Києві
  5. QA Test Automation Engineer Remote
Відправити резюме

QA Test Automation Engineer Remote

 19 січня 2024  Київ 
Компанія: Leap Consulting Group  ( (Всі вакансії)
Рубрики:IT, WEB фахівці


Контактна особа:Ilona Shakleina

Побажання до співробітника

Освіта:повна вища
Досвід роботи:від двох років
Графік роботи:віддалена робота

Опис вакансії

We are US based consulting company with 30 Ukrainian engineers. We are looking for a QA test automation engineer who can build Appium tests in Java (not Python).


Expertise in using automation frameworks for testing web applications (mobile would be a plus).

Proven experience in identifying, reporting, and managing defects and issues within an automated testing environment.

Strong programming skills in Java.

Experience in using and customizing test automation tools: Appium.

Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, with a keen eye for detail.

Ability to work independently as well as collaboratively with other teams and stakeholders.


3 years+ of work experience in an QA role with a focus on automation testing;

Experience in developing and executing automated test scripts using automation tools such as Appium;

Expertise in a programming language Java;

Knowledge of testing on mobile devices (iOS, Android) using Appium;

Knowledge of UX automation principles for mobile applications;

Experience with testing in an AWS environment;

Experience in security testing on mobile devices;

Experience in hardwear automation;

Level of English — from Upper-Intermediate (spoken/written).

Additional Information

8 hours work day, M-F.


Recruitment Process

Submit your CV and describe your experience with traffic management or network projects.

Initial interview (15 min administrative questions).

Technical interview with the team (30 minutes).


About the Company

Leap Consulting Group is a team of dedicated professionals experienced in providing innovative ideas and delivering solutions across the industries: Healthcare, Telecom&Mobile, Finance, SAAS&Cloud. 

We specialize in fast-moving regulated industries, delivering tailored digital strategies, build/buy analysis, and integrated software solutions that are secure and compliant.


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