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  4. Робота Senior DevOps Engineer в Києві
  5. Senior DevOps Engineer
Відправити резюме

Senior DevOps Engineer

  4 січня 2024  Київ 
Компанія: Solve.Care  ( (Всі вакансії)
Рубрики:IT, WEB фахівці


Контактна особа:Serhii Kosovets
Адреса:Київ, Лейпцизька, 3а

Побажання до співробітника

Освіта:повна вища
Досвід роботи:від двох років
Графік роботи:повний робочий день

Опис вакансії

Вимоги, побажання: 

Role purpose

Ensure excellence of quality within the development organization by: developing and implementing a well-organized process of checks and balances to ensure that agreed coding and testing principles are scrupulously followed; to minimize conflicts and lack of coordination between the internal departments; to implement and continually improve a better system of unit testing and zero duplicity of code. Further the role is to streamline the development and operation processes and ensure they share a symbiotic relationship thus ensuring that the custom software development process is a smooth one.

Key Responsibilities:

1 Interact directly with the company executives on technology aspects?

2 Automate infrastructure setup and deploy the application

3 Design a stable built system and consistent deployment in a cluster environment

4 Automate scale up and scale down procedures

5 Manage the gathering, storage, and processing of data

6 Automate deployment in Cloud infrastructure

7 Optimize performance from the Cloud architecture/deployment perspective

8 Establish and maintain a system for configuration management

9 Implement CI/CD practices

10 Plan and assignment activities based on current tasks and priorities

11 Review of Candidates CV and interview of Candidates on DevOps engineer positions

Technical/Professional Qualifications/Requirements:

1 Experience working in DevOps engineering (3+)

2 Experience with Linux (Ubuntu or CentOS)

3 Experience with CI/CD concepts and Jenkins

4 Experience with Docker containers

5 Experience with RDBMS (MySQL/MariaDB) , AWS RDS

6 Experience with AWS infrastructure , Terraform

7 Experience with Kubernetes

8 Experience with Ansible, Chef/Puppet or similar configuration management tools

9 Experience AWS architecture

10 Experience with Apache Kafka

Additional Technical/Professional Qualifications/Requirements:

1 Experience with Agile methodologies and engineering practices

2 Upper-Intermediate English (required)

3 Outstanding communication skills

4 Great attention to detail and a result driven approach

5 Excellent organizational abilities

To apply for this position, kindly use the following link to attach your resume:


Шановні кандидати, звертаємо вашу увагу на платні номери телефонів з кодом 070 (700), 090 (900), а також на прямі короткі мобільні номери. Вартість хвилини розмови з таким номером може становити до 60 грн. Якщо Ви подзвонили за номером телефону вказаному в вакансії, а автовідповідач або людина що відповіла пропонує передзвонити на номер з таким кодом — переконливе прохання, не дзвоніть, щоб не стати жертвою телефонного обману!

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