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  4. Робота Trainee or Junior .NET Developer в Києві
  5. Trainee or Junior .NET Developer
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Trainee or Junior .NET Developer

12 000 грн.
  4 лютого  Київ 
Компанія: Pantera  ( (Всі вакансії)
Рубрики:IT, WEB фахівці


Контактна особа:Vladyslav Ihnatiev

Побажання до співробітника

Освіта:не має значення
Досвід роботи:не вимагається
Графік роботи:віддалена робота

Опис вакансії

At Pantera, we are on the lookout for an ambitious individual to join us as either a Trainee or Junior .NET Developer. This role is not just a job; it's a launchpad for rapid growth within the .NET ecosystem Angular 2+. We are dedicated to nurturing talent, with the expectation that the successful candidate will evolve into a Middle Developer role in the future.


  1. Practical experience with .NET development, demonstrating a solid grasp of programming concepts and the capacity for professional growth.
  2. Knowledge or interest in front-end development using Angular 2+, React, Vue.js, or similar frameworks is a significant plus.
  3. Pre-intermediate English proficiency, capable of effective written and verbal communication.
  4. A strong problem-solving mindset, with the ability to work under initial guidance and progressively take on more responsibility and independence.


  1. Contributing to the development of new features and enhancements using .NET 7, under the guidance and mentorship of our experienced team.
  2. Engaging in debugging and optimization to ensure the high quality of our software products.
  3. Active participation in team collaboration, sharing ideas and progress in English.
  4. Embracing a trajectory of professional development aimed at achieving at least a Middle Developer skill level, with our full support and resources.

What We Offer:

  1. This role is an exceptional opportunity for those just starting their career in software development. We provide the perfect platform to gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge .NET and Angular 2+.
  2. We are deeply committed to the professional development of our team members. With us, you'll have a clear pathway to evolve from a trainee or junior level to becoming a skilled web developer capable of handling complex projects. Our supportive environment is designed to accelerate your growth and help you advance to a Middle Developer role in the future.
  3. By working in our international team, you'll have ample opportunity to practice and improve your English language skills in a professional context. Effective communication is key to collaboration, and we encourage the use of English in our daily operations, helping you to become more confident and fluent.
  4. As you grow with us, you'll gain the skills and confidence needed to take on full responsibility for developing projects independently. We aim to nurture specialists who are not only proficient in technology but also capable of leading projects with minimal supervision, showcasing a high level of autonomy and responsibility.

Submit your resume via google form:


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