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  4. Робота Управляючий офісом, адміністративний менеджер, Workplace manager в Києві
  5. Управляючий офісом, адміністративний менеджер, Workplace manager
Відправити резюме

Управляючий офісом, адміністративний менеджер, Workplace manager

 21 серпня 2023  Київ 
Компанія: IRES   ( (Всі вакансії)
Рубрики:Офісний персонал


Адреса:Київ, м. Палац Спорту

Побажання до співробітника

Освіта:повна вища
Досвід роботи:від п'яти років
Графік роботи:повний робочий день

Опис вакансії

IRES ( – Ukrainian provider of Integrated Facility and Management Project Management services for international corporate accounts (commercial real estate).

IRES Integrated Facility Management department is looking for new team member - Workplace Experience Manager.

Our client is global IT company, which have the offices in Ukraine, USA, Canada, Europe.

The office space of our Client is in the centrally located Business Centre of Kyiv.

Our new team member will be constantly allocated at the Site. A working station will be provided. It is the work with 100% allocation in the office space of our Client during the working day.

  • This role will be responsible for ensuring that all guests and team members have a welcoming and engaging
  • experience when coming on-site. As the leader of workplace operations for Kyiv hub, you will help to scale
  • operations and provide exceptional service that can be scaled globally.
  • In the role of Workplace Experience Manager, have the exciting opportunity to lead and coordinate all the daily
  • operations at Kyiv hub. You'll be instrumental in building strong relationships with internal teams and external
  • partners, fostering a collaborative environment that reflects Company's unique brand and culture.
  • The Workplace Experience Managers play a key role in identifying gaps and implementing creative strategies to
  • improve the workplace environment at Company.
  • Partner with vendors, property management, physical security, janitorial, access, food programs, onsite events,
  • furniture, equipment, mail, reception, space planning, sustainability, health and safety to manage the hub
  • effectively;
  • Gather data and feedback to understand how people use the hub and translate insights into solutions to create
  • a better experience for team members;
  • Manage budgets, occupancy, surveys, access logs, and other data to enable robust and informed business
  • decisions;
  • Ensure a high level of service and processes in the hub and share this experience across all locations
  • Own facility-related communications in partnership with the Communication team and give Workplace
  • Operations input into new space design to evolve the hub
  • Partner effectively with different groups and customers such as executives, EAs, managers, Real Estate,
  • Connections&Community, RFH, Security, Systems&Analytics, IT, Benefits, and People Ops
  • Own the purchasing process and negotiation of Workplace contracts in partnership with Regional Manager,
  • Finance/Procurement to produce the highest value and ROI;
  • Mentor and train other Workplace team members on operations and processes to foster a strong and cohesive
  • team.

We’re looking for someone who

  • Is able to collaborate in person on a regular basis.
  • Has excellent written and spoken English.
  • Is obsessed with creating customer value and taking care of every team member.
  • Has an exemplary background in managing data and projects.
  • Is an empathetic, active listener with compelling communication skills.
  • Possess leadership, and business strategy skills, especially in identifying opportunities to enhance productivity
  • and increase the company's profitability.
  • Able to take ownership, prioritize and work in a dynamic environment.
  • Is a proactive, initiative, and result-oriented person
  • working hours: 10.00-19.00 (10.30-19.30), can be specified additionally. From Monday-Friday
  • - location - near the Palac Sportu metro station. the nearest shelter is right there.
  • - the office is provided with an uninterrupted power supply and Internet access.


Шановні кандидати, звертаємо вашу увагу на платні номери телефонів з кодом 070 (700), 090 (900), а також на прямі короткі мобільні номери. Вартість хвилини розмови з таким номером може становити до 60 грн. Якщо Ви подзвонили за номером телефону вказаному в вакансії, а автовідповідач або людина що відповіла пропонує передзвонити на номер з таким кодом — переконливе прохання, не дзвоніть, щоб не стати жертвою телефонного обману!

Крім того, просимо вас остерігатися вакансій, де потрібне внесення заставної суми або страхового внеску. Пам'ятайте! Будь-яке вкладення коштів, яке потрібно від здобувача, в 90% випадків є шахрайством!

У разі виявлення подібної вакансії натисніть, будь ласка, на кнопку «Скарга», яка знаходиться під текстом кожної вакансії.

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