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  4. Резюме Customer support manager в Києві
  5. Customer support manager
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Customer support manager

600 грн.
 22 січня 2017  Місто: Київ
Вік:39 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: •Specialist's degree in English and German •three years of experience in management and customer service •advanced PC and internet skills Customer service manager from 04.2009 till 07.2012 UA Rent (hotel business) •providing inquiries via phone, email and Skype, making reservations •managing room properties at and partner websites •staff activities coordination •customer check-in •service quality control and assurance •selective company website content management •customer support on LAN connection •office equipment maintenance Interpreter from 05.2008 till 03.2009 EX Boutique (designer clothes retail) • translation of correspondence with manufacturers • voice conversations interpretation Part-time translator с 04.2008 по 06.2008 Perun (publishing business) •arranging and editing lexical entries starting with "D" for new German-Ukrainian dictionary for 250 000 entries Departmental assistant from 09.2002 till 09.2003 NTUU "KPI" (education) •English Translation Department operation assistance •internal documents handling •teaching fellow-workers basics of MS Word and MS Excelfrom 09.2003 till 06.2008 NTTU "KPI", Linguistics, Theory and Practice of English Translation, Kiev (student labor union organizer deputy, responsible for material valuables)

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