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350 грн.
 22 січня 2017  Місто: Львів
Вік:33 роки
Режим роботи:часткова зайнятість
Рубрики: Офісний персонал

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Language knowledge: Ukrainian - native, Russian – fluent, English - advanced Others: I have great leadership skills. I perfectly know how to organize the work of small groups. I know how to share the duties between people to optimally use their natural abilities and skills. I can work both independently and in teams. I can follow the instructions and work under pressure. I always responsibly complied any task trusted me. I appreciate the time of other people so I'm punctual. I am very attentive to detail and have an excellent memory. Some suggest that this is my bad side. But I think it is wrong because it helps me well and quickly perform any task put before me. I have experience of all Microsoft Packages including, Word, Excel, Power Point and have excellent keyboard skills. I am able to interrogate the computer system in order to retrieve information as requested. Lviv City Social Services – Lviv, Ukraine (volunteer) 19 Sep ‘10– 13 Jan ‘11 I created a new computerized customer database. I put in order and edited information about customers (their gender, age, address, passport details). Also I responded to phone calls. Charitable Foundation 'Area without conflict' - Lviv, Ukraine 09 May '11 - 10 Jun '11, (volunteer) 15 Sep '11 – 12 May '12 In this fund I coordinated the work of other volunteers. As coordinator of volunteers, I make a schedule of volunteers work, distributes their duties and preparing official documents needed for foundation activity. Additionally I was responsible for office supplies for the fund. Also, along with other volunteers, I was engaged in fundraising for center’s projects. We visited the leaders of of different companies and asked them to donate some part of their income to charity. Moody Gardens Hotel – Galveston, Texas, USA (laundry-staff) 15 Jun '11 – 06 Sep '11 It was a great experience for me. I met many new people from around the world. Also, this work is greatly improved my communication skills. I worked with people who did not know English well and some did not know English at all, only Spanish. With such people I communicated only through gestures and facial expressions, and I am proud that despite this, we could always to understand each other. Lviv Education Foundation - Lviv, Ukraine 01Oct '11 – 27 Feb'12 I supervised the work of a group of developers and implementers of the social project 'Information - is power'. I checked and coordinated the work of each participant of this group, managed interaction between participants, fund and other official organizations engaged in a project. I prepared and kept in order all documents relating to the project. Also I solved all the misunderstanding and problems that occurred during the project. LOC 'EURO 2012 Ukraine' - Lviv, Ukraine 01 Jun’ 12 – 20 Jun’ 12 (volunteer in assisting persons with disabilities) During this project I helped fans with special needs on time and hassle to get to their seats in the stadium. My duty was to ensure that people with disabilities know where to go, through which gate to enter and where they can park their car. In case it was needed, I explained to them where they are and point to where they need to go to, or accompany them to their needed goals. Also, if necessary, I provided information about the location of gates, seats, fan-zone passes to the stadium, the elements of internal infrastructure to everyone who applied to me for such information.2008 — 2012 Lviv National Polytechnic University Lviv Ukraine Major Social Work Degree BachelorMart, 2010 – May, 2010 Educational center “Beauty Studio” Lviv Ukraine Major master of massage

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