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  3. Приклад - супровідний лист HR (на англійській мові)

Приклад - супровідний лист HR (на англійській мові)

Janice Richardson

Recruiting Manager, Rollins Consulting Firm

02002 18th Street NW, Suite 20

Washington, DC 02002

Dear Ms. Richardson:

With understanding of the role quality of hire plays for organizations today, and previous recruiting, staffing and human resources experience, I submit my resume for consideration for the position of experienced recruiter. In addition to my resume, I provide below a brief overview of my ability to match your specific needs based on the position competencies.

Manage recruitment process from consultant through senior manager levels In my previous role in corporate human resources, I garnered significant experience in all aspects of the recruiting life cycle, from definition of applicant to alumni management (creating ties with alumni to ensure brand in the marketplace and enable re-employment strategies). In addition to recruiting and development responsibilities, I worked closely with a team to manage the firm internship program from inception to offer.

Assist in closing candidates In addition to my recruiting experience, my closing capabilities are well-developed from my experience in client contract negotiation. In my current role, I have negotiated contracts from $15,000 to $105,000 with over 300 different clients and an average closing rate of 89%.

Plan and participate in events I organized and managed a number of large, successful events at my current consulting firm, ranging from a global Partner Offsite retreat to Senior Consultant School.

In my previous work with Brown Elementary School, I organized the annual Northern Virginia Book Fair, raising $10,000 for their scholarship fund (an increase of 150% over the previous year).

My professional services firm experience and my educational background encapsulates a number of the position competencies. I have a history of strong staff management, working closely with my current team on individual development plans, and understand my role to assist and promote staff member success. I actively seek upward and peer feedback and recognize its importance in organization success.

Most importantly, I am eager to stay in the professional services firm environment. I would welcome the privilege of speaking with you further and look forward to hearing from you.

Respectfully submitted,

Warren R. Anderson

Для менеджера по персоналу особливо важливо не тільки скласти красиве та якісне резюме, але й написати відповідний супровідний лист. Адже його оцінюватиме колега – рекрутер, менеджер з підбору кадрів або ж майбутній потенційний начальник. А якщо у вимогах до відритої вакансії є знання англійської мови – резюме і супровідний лист, написані на англійській, буде додатковим козирем при первинному відборі кандидатів.

↑ Вгору