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  4. Резюме Front end developer в Києві
  5. Front end developer
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Резюме Front end developer
Bohdan Viachaslau

Front end developer

 15 серпня 2023  Місто: Київ
Вік:30 років
Режим роботи:вільний графік роботи, віддалена робота, часткова зайнятість
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці
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I am a Full-stack developer with focus on the front-end and over 6 years of experience in this area. I was working commercially with most top tech stack technologies React, Vue, Angular on a front-end and Express, Nest, Meteor, Mongo on a backend. For the last 3 years I am mostly focused on development using React. I try to do my best every day and develop myself and my skills diligently. I try to be enthusiastic about the work approach and technologies used. Always interested about new solutions but try to keep balance between innovations and reliability. I am always willing to provide reliable support and implement high quality software for a developed product .

Key skills:

  • Good understanding of Javascript core

  • Ability to write code on the Frontend and on the Backend

  • Ability to clearly understand project goal, improve it and put attention into smaller details

Job history


Klika-tech | Warsaw


Internet of Things


08.2022 - present (full-time)


Software developer


Epics analysis, decomposition, description

Technical problem solving

Front-end development using React/Redux

Front-end mentoring

Front-end application architecture design

Private npm modules development

Deployment process

Backend development - AWS services (Lambdas creation, API Gateway, CloudWatch, Neptune, Dynamo)

IoT - remote devices data transfer/processing/visualization


5 software developers, PM, PO | Direct contact with a client

Project description: working as a full-stack developer on an IoT project related to HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) systems data processing and visualization on a web platform. Performing front-end epics delivering/implementation, unit tests writing/mentoring, private npm modules creation and backend development that included work with AWS services

Tech stack: React.js, Redux, Typescript, Jest, Apache echarts, GraphQL, Node.js, AWS, Lambda, SparkQL, NeptuneDB, Scrum, Linux, Mentoring

side-job (after hours)




04.2023 - 06.2023 (part-time)


Crypto indicator creation using PineScript helping people to identify imbalances, order blocks, market structure, Premium and Discount zones

Stack: PineScript, TradingView, SmartMoney trading concept


ERGO | Warsaw




10.2021 - 08.2022 (full-time)


Full-stack developer


Implementing high quality software

Developing and integrating micro-frontends

Private npm modules development

Application optimization

Deployment process

Backend development

Insurance section - development of applications, allowing the purchase of various dental tariffs to select/buy for customers

Team: 4 software developers, 1 team lead, business, analyst, PO

Project description: working as a full-stack developer in the German insurance sector and working on web platforms creation for selling different types of insurances (dental, car, moto and etc.)

Tech stack: React.js, Redux, Typescript, Nest.js, micro-frontends, Storybook, Docker, Jenkins, Scrum, OSX


InsightGuides | Warsaw




09.2019 - 09.2021 (full-time)


Full-stack developer


Vue.js, Nuxt.js development

Pixel-perfect responsive design implementation, cross-browser compatibility

Automatic serverless deployment processes configuration

Backend development - CRM/CMS integrations - Hubspot, Strapi

Nginx configuration, Netlify serverless environment setup

Wyswig editor development

Travel applications development

Project 1: working as a Full-stack developer on a company travel platform bug fixing, maintenance, features implementation, crm integrations

Team: 4 software developers, 1 team lead, PM, PO

Project 2: working as a Full-stack developer on a new travel platform creation from scratch. Performing front-end development and serverless infrastructure setup

Team: 4 software developers, 1 team lead, PM, PO

Project 3: working as a Front-end developer on an outsource project in a travel branch with a Dutch team

Team: 2 front-end developers, 4 backend developers, PO

Tech stack: Vue.js, Nuxt.js, React.js, GraphQL, Strapi CMS, Slate, Netlify, Mongodb, Meteor.js, Hubspot CRM, CoffeeScript, Sockets, http protocols, microservices, Kubernetes, Docker,


OneMeter | Warsaw


Internet of Things


07.2017 - 08.2019 (full-time)


Full-stack developer


Angular development

Continuous integration

Deployment process

DevOps - pm2 services management

Databases optimization

Solar energy algorithms, CO2, carbon pollution data calculations

Energy price calculations

IoT - data processing from energy meters

Project description: Start-up project in a power engineering field. Being a key front-end and partly backend developer responsible for product UI. Maintaining, develop, upgrade of a MEAN stack web application for customers from Poland and Czech Republic

Team: 1 front-end developer, 1 backend developer

Tech stack: Node, Express, Microservices, Kubernetes, Angular 2+, d3/c3, Mongodb, Linux, Jasmine, Karma, Protractor, Mocha, Chai




Home intelligence | Internet of Things


07.2016 - 04.2017


FIBARO systems integrator


Fibaro infrastructure design according to client requirements

Fibaro devices, sensors installation

Devices configuration/programming according to Fibaro standard

Fibaro equipped houses maintenance

Tech stack: FIBARO, Lua

Tech stack

  • Javascript/Typescript

  • React.js

  • Redux/Mobx

  • Material-UI, Tailwind, Figma, Zeplin

  • Angular 2+

  • Vue/Nuxt

  • GraphQL

  • Jest/Cypress/React-testing-library

  • Node.js/Nest.js/Express.js

  • Rest/GraphQL/Socket

  • Non-Relational/MongoDB

  • Linux/Nginx/Apache

  • PineScript

Languages knowledge

Polish - native

Russian/Belarussian - native

English - advanced

Spanish - beginner


Full-stack programming, mentoring, interviewing, software architecture

Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Crypto News, Tradingview

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