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  3. Резюме в Івано-Франківську
  4. Резюме Frontend Developer, Full Stack Developer в
  5. Frontend Developer, Full Stack Developer
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Frontend Developer, Full Stack Developer

 29 жовтня 2024  Місто: Івано-Франківськ
Вік:33 роки
Режим роботи:повний робочий день, вільний графік роботи, віддалена робота
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці



I am a Full Stack Developer, who has a commercial experience working in a team. I specialize in work with React.js and React-based frameworks, I can develop a CSR applications and a SSR sites. I am able to create a full app using classical backend or CMS.

Besides, I have experience in leadership in several team projects, where I managed teams of up to 6 people. Also I am gaining experience as a mentor.


  • React.js, Gatsby.js, Next.js (in progress)
  • Redux (Toolkit, RTK Query)
  • REST API, GraphQL
  • Node.js, NPM
  • Netlify CMS, Dato CMS
  • MongoDB, Mongoose
  • Express
  • Type Script (in progress)
  • HTML5, JavaScript
  • CSS3 (SASS, BEM)
  • Bootstrap, MUI, Tailwind CSS
  • Git, Github
  • Parcel, Webpack
  • Figma, Trello, Jira


  • Diligent
  • Inventiveness
  • Team work, team leadership
  • Cooperative

English - Intermediate
Ukrainian - Native


    Link to Repository (
    (FE: Next.js, Tailwind CSS. BE: DatoCMS)
    An adaptive bilingual electronic volunteer to help Ukrainian refugees in Estonia.
    I created the structure of admin panel, developed statically generated pages, search, categories section. I assigned the domain and configured the DNS records.
    Link to Repository (
    (FE: Gatsby.js, Tailwind CSS. BE: Netlify CMS)
    An adaptive multilingual landing page of the company "Dniproagro" with administrative panel. I created the structure of administrative panel, developed navbar, mobile menu, hero section with slider and tabs sections.
    Link to Repository
    (FE: Gatsby.js, Tailwind CSS. BE: Netlify CMS)
    An adaptive multilingual web app with administrative panel created to help for GOIT marathon participants. I created the structure of admin panel, developed header, mobile menu, added styles to accordions section. Also I implemented the creation of dynamic pages and a search on the site.
    Link to Repository (
    Frontend: React, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, JS, HTML, CSS. Backend: Swagger. Libraries: axios, MUI. Webpack.
    Personal project.
    An adaptive web application with contacts list. It allows to save phone contacts to personal database, edit and delete them. User registration/authorization and database of contacts is implemented with Swagger. I improved my skills Redux Toolkit and RTK Query, applied new features such as theme switcher.
  • Kapu$ta Smart Finance (
    Link to Repository:
    Presentation link: 
    Frontend: React, Redux, JS, HTML, CSS (SASS). Backend: Swagger.

    An adaptive website-wallet for managing personal finances.
    Role: Scrum Master.
    I performed the section of reports by categories, represented by a list of buttons with
    icons at the Report page. I worked with data from storage (backend response) and
    transformed it into the desired form and type. Also I used React-transition group for
    animation. As Scrum Master I prepared a project presentation.

  • Filmoteka (app link:
    Link to Repository:
    Presentation link
    Simple Page Application. Frontend: HTML, CSS (SASS), JS. Backend: MovieDB, Firebase.
    Libraries: axios, Basic Lightbox, TUI Pagination, JS Loading Overlay. Parsel. Webp images as alternative.
    An adaptive website for searching movies and saving them to own user lists.
    Role: Team Leader.

    I implemented user registration/authorization through the Firebase, interaction with FB realtime DB, added functionality of changing form type. Also I provided performance and accessibility of page and performed other duties as Team Leader.

  • Ice-Cream (app link:
    Link to Repository:
    Parsel. HTML, CSS (SASS), JS.
    Libraries: Swiper, Simple Lightbox, Animate. Webp images as alternative).

    A responsive landing for reading various detailed information about ice-cream and
    with possibility to order it. Role: Team Leader.
    I made markup of footer, built project on Github, worked with branches, checked pull
    requests for errors, provided performance and accessibility of page.
  • Barbershop (app link:
    Link to Repository:
    HTML, CSS (SASS), JS. Library: Swiper.
    A barbershop landing page with a responsive layout. Personal project. I made the markup of the page and modal window with booking form, added swiper for hero section.


  • Trainee Full Stack Developer | GoWeb studio, Kyiv (remote)
    October - December 2022 | full-time Internship
    • Development of projects with an admin panel (CMS) using SSR technology;
    • Cooperation in teams with other developers, designer, PM and QA specialist;
    • Communication with the customers;
    • Gaining experience of independent study of new technologies and search for the most optimal solutions;
    • Improving skills under the mentorship of more experienced specialists;

  • Mentor | GoIT school, Kyiv (remote)
    September 2022 - present | part-time
    • Homework code review;
    • Providing guidance, advice, feedback for technical issues.


IT Academy GoIT, Kyiv | 2022
Full Stack Developer

Master's degree in Engineering Geodesy
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas | 2008 - 2013



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