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  4. Резюме Junior Front-End (React) Developer в
  5. Junior Front-End (React) Developer
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Junior Front-End (React) Developer

18 000 грн.
 21 квітня 2023  Місто: Полтава
Вік:27 років
Режим роботи:вільний графік роботи, віддалена робота, плаваючий графік роботи
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці
 Перебуваю в шлюбі 



Flexible, hardworking and very quickly trained. 

Eager to work with interesting, dedicated teams 

(as Front-End developer) where I will develop 

interactive user interfaces, web-applications 

and enhance my Front-End (and React.JS) knowledge.


  • ES6
  • React JS 18+
  • HTML5
  • Redux 4+
  • CSS3
  • Sass/SCSS
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • English proficiency level: B2


  • responsibility
  • determination
  • ability to listen
  • perseverance
  • curiosity
  • flexibility
  • critical thinking
  • teamwork
  • resourcefulness
  • problem-solving
  • time management
  • decision-making
  • stress-resistance


Development Software:

Visual Studio Code, SublimeText, WevStorm, Photoshop, Figma, Zeplin

Technologies and other:

React.js, Bootstrap, Flexbox, Redux, Grid, REST API, Sass, Material UI, Lodash, jQuery, npm, Git, Babel, AJAX, Webpack, TypeScript,  Jira, Animate on Scroll, Trello

Diligent, very quickly trained Front-End web-developer with a passion for ReactJS based projects. Comprehensive knowledge of JavaScript ES6 (along with HTML, CSS/SCSS), ReactJS platform and core principles along with centralizing project state with Redux and using RESTful APIs. Motivated to develop and implement high-quality fast and responsive websites, exceptional user experience and big web-solutions. Willing to learn and master new technologies while sharpening existing skills.


  • Bachelor of Finance and Credit of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • 1 term of international exchange education program under the Erasmus+ EU programme at University College of Copenhagen (UCC) Department of Teacher Education
  • Master of Philology (translator and interpreter of English) of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University
  • Master of Secondary Education (Mathematics & Informatics) of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University


  • Private Tutor Сlasses (based on McMillan Destination B1 & Mcmillan Destination B2 practice books);
  • 1.5 years of Master Degree Education of English Language in Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University (Level of English by CEFR – B2)


  • Foundations of Programming (based on Harvard CS50 Course) –BrainBasket Foundation
  • HTML5, CSS3, Babel, Webpack Lectures – Udemy
  • Front-End Development Courses – Beetroot Academy
  • React + Redux. Professional Development – Udemy


  • Technology
  • Travelling
  • Sports
  • Theater
  • Reading English books


My Pet project illustrates in many ways the set of technologies I have managed to learn during the courses and self-training to know the basic-basic stack to be a Front-End developer.

These are JavaScript ES6 (along with HTML and CSS/SCSS), React.JS, React State Management, Redux, Bootstrap, Material UI, React-Router-DOM, Slider Swiper, and use in the project free API. Flexbox / Grid was also used to position elements in components, as well as preprocessors sometimes, like SCSS (to illustrate my toolkit).

It is also worth noting the completion of classical (as for a full-fledged website) functionality, such as search, filtering of incoming data, data sorting, routing (using React-Router-DOM) and a small implementation of the Store followed by checkout. Well, mock data (kin of blank data) was also used.

Below, you could find the links to my Pet-project and my GitHub repository.


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