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  5. PR & Marketing Specialist
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PR & Marketing Specialist

20 000 грн.
 22 січня 2017  Місто: Київ
Вік:34 роки
Режим роботи:часткова зайнятість
Рубрики: Реклама, маркетинг, PR

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Specialties: public relations, copywriting, content strategy, leadership, social media, anti-crisis management, digital media, online reputation management, event management, song-writing, photo-editing, concept creation. Seeking to join a team of like-minded people focused on global consciousness raising work to improve individual and collective well-being. May 2016 - September 2016 Mixadvert - digital advertising platform Company provides top-notch solutions for participants of native advertising ecosystem, seeking to advertise their goods. Position: Head of PR Responsibilities: - Product positioning - E-mail marketing - Development of press-materials - articles etc. - Copywriting April 2015 - May 2016 Blablateka – first multi-functional Site Phone Blablateka provides its customers with an all-in-one engagement platform which makes communication between brands and their consumers easier. Position: Head of PR Responsibilities: - Product positioning - Development of press-materials - case studies, press-releases, presentations, articles etc. - Social Media Marketing - Copywriting October 2012 – March 2015 MGID – native advertising marketplace Global pioneer in native advertising that provides tailored solutions for advertisers, affiliate marketers, online stores, webmasters, web marketers, brand managers, performance-driven media buyers and publishers on one integrated platform. Position: Head of PR Responsibilities: - Creation and implementation of public relations strategy that assists in the global expansion of MGID - Close cooperation with Bohle PR and Pollack PR to reach MGID's PR goals on a highly competitive US market - Responsible for product positioning and rebranding (from inception to 100% embodiment) - Anti-crisis management, dealing with consequences of an orchestrated black PR campaign (diminished negative Google search results from 100+ to 3) - Arrangement of several successful SERM campaigns - Development of materials for press and clients - case studies, press-releases, presentations (including comScore data presentations), articles (author of over 40 articles), announcements, etc. - Social Media Marketing (managing Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and corporate blog) - Setting up internal PR communications (including monthly company digest) - Conducting competitor analysis and client surveys Skills: Strategic planning, leadership, excellent communication skills, creativity, flexibility, online marketing, online advertising, copywriting. January 2011 – October 2012 MGID – native advertising marketplace Position: PR Manager Responsibilities: - Creating and carrying out PR strategy - Working on MGID’s Fem, Sports and Games projects - Copywriting (including articles and press-releases) - Online Reputation Management Skills: Ability to meet deadlines, fluent knowledge of English language, responsibility, communication skills, leadership, vision, copywriting.2005 – 2010 Kiev National Linguistic University Faculty: Business ManagementCertificate for completing the 2009 Servant Leadership Academy in Boring, Oregon (USA)

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