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  4. Резюме Project manager в Києві
  5. Project manager
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Project manager

 10 квітня 2017  Місто: Київ
Вік:39 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці; Керівництво

Досвід роботи

IT Deprtment Head
05.2009 − 12.2014 (5 років 8 місяців)
After 2012 Ongoing development, improvement and support of BPM/ECM Introduction WMS on main distribution center of company. - complex business process development and negotiation. - project estimation, project planning, project performance tracking. - 7*4 man-month project. - collaboration between main local and remote team - budget management - value: high performance warehouse deployed, high quality stock management, significant decrease of Operational Expense Design and implementation business process and automation of specific warehouse and distribution solution with combined model of stock control - project of extra high importance and urgency. - development and deployment "on-flow" - Local and partner's teams cooperation management (near 10 developers and 40 users from customer) - Not specific stock management methodology. - value: extra quick development and deployment without additional financing. Project of the optimization of the financial functions of company. - 2 outsourcing and 1 outstaffing partner. - 10+ employees local development team. - 5 separated customers of one business group. - near 500 users in manufacturing, sales, logistic, finance, accountant and other units. - value: accounting policy changing at 5 customers at one time, introduction of IFRS. Project of consolidation automation the business of functions (decrease of a quantity of the different software from 40+ copies to 9). - 20+ IT employees (developers and supporters). - more than 30 subprojects at one time - value: rich decreasing estimates of future support and development, optimization of IT department Operational Expense (more 30% decrease). Large amount of little-sized ERP projects 2010-2012 Ongoing development, improvement and support and implementation integrated BI system (BI, DWH, ETL. Online control dashboarding, semi-automatic and automatic forecasting, cross-platform decision support functionality). - 3 developers team with interaction of support teams. - value: intensive development of finance, sales, analytics and forecasting (fundamentally new types of processes and much better quality of using data). Project of development from the beginning and the introduction CRM the system (Development with Java). - cooperation of outsourcing developers and 10 employees in local development team - Integration in 5 countries, 200+ customers with 3000+ users - Large project budget. - After development support organization (service desk and sales process development support) - value: fundamentally better quality sales team management through many KPIs Corporate BPM and ECM System Development and Deployment - 5 developers and integrators team - value: normalization great amount of business processes with significant decrease of Operational costs. Introduction of the system of electronic document turnover and business process management (ECM/BPM) - cooperation of 2 software development outsourcing and outstaffing companies and 5 employees of local development team. - separated budgets management - more than 5 subprojects at one time for different customers - value: much decreasing estimates of runtime business processes and increasing their quality. Large amount of little-sized ERP projects. 2008-2010 Manager of large projects career update. Development and deployment of corporate CRM and BI systems - 6 local and 10+ remote development and implementation team - 50 customers - Budget management - Change management - total budgets near $1,5M - value: sales increase
Project Manager
04.2008 − 05.2009 (1 рік )
Project team managament (6 employees) Starting and implementation 2 natinal projects CRM and BI/DWH/ETL (2+ contractors, in house development, 1000+ user and 50+ customers).
IT Head
AVK Kiev
01.2006 − 03.2008 (2 роки 2 місяці)
IT support managament (3 IT employees). Middle size projects management (ERP, CRM, WMS, TMS).


Kyiv office of Donetsk university of artificial Intelligence
повна вища, 09.2004 − 08.2007 (2 роки 11 місяців)
Kyiv radiotechnical collage
середньо-спеціальна, 09.2000 − 07.2004 (3 роки 10 місяців)

Знання мов:

English - Професійний (експерт), Russian - Професійний (експерт), Ukrainian - Професійний (експерт)

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Snowboarding, mountain biking, clay pidgeon shooting, reading
  • Rich experience in business process improvement and creation, architect and automation of not trivial solutions.
  • Strong IT Project mamagement skills (Agile, kanban, PMBOK knowledge)
  • Rich experience in BI, DWH, ETL.
  • Strong interpersonal and communications skills.
  • Extensive experience in SQL, PHP, C#.
  • Experience in large projects (about 50 customers at one time).
  • People management experience 20-50 employees at one time.
  • Projects estimation experience.
  • Some international experience
  • Proven track of succesfuly completed projects.
Мета пошуку роботи, побажання до місця роботи: Main objective is to recieve interesting and perspective job in stable company (international IT outsourcing is the best), where I'd find friendly colleges and employer as a business partner. Interested in position of: IT Project Manager Program manager

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