Ваш надійний партнер в пошуку роботи та підборі персоналу
розробка програмного забезпечення з використанням технології: C/C++(OpenGL, Linux, Windows), C#, JAVA, JavaScript, Angular, React Native, BASH
github.com/MalynovskyiVolodymyr?tab=repositories посилання на зразок мого коду та проектів
I have created multicore synchronization service for two not connected web-applications using their public API(Go programing language)
app.asana.com synchronized with traction.tools
Also I have created backend API(Node JS) for game
project name TOYPE
React Native
Creating phone app, backend service and admin front-end-app based on cryptocurrency(WAVES)
My part in these two project was to create and deal with all tasks alone. I was dealing with my part of work great, I had created phone app, back-end service, extended WAVES client and integrated Lottery game in it
NodeJS, GraphQL, MongoDb, React-Admin, React Native (Java, Objective-C)
Creating Lottery Game based on WAVES public platform, dealing with cryptocurrency transactions(payment, withdraw) working with pure Node JS without any frameworks, creating a 3-D lottery game with javaScript Ecma 3 and Google Canvas
NodeJS, AngularJS 1, Gulp, MongoDb, Heroku cloud, Forest-Admin
Title: cloud service(Linux visrtualization app)
creating business logic, dealing with the multithreading, mostly my part in these project was in helping to build(part time project)
Technologies: JAVA
Project Title: Cabdo
Description: Taxi phone app, and web-server I have created new features, business logic for the back-end service and fixed Admin App Technologies: React-Native, ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDb
Project Title: Trouble Casting Agency
Description: I was dealing with the new features for the front-end app, and I have fixed back-end service Technologies: C#(Core 2), Angular 4
Short Description: web-site for HR
Tools and Technologies: NodeJS, Angular, Facebook Parce
Project Team: 1 engineer
My Role: Senior Software engineer(my part of work was in creating authorization, and bulding very good web-site arhitecture)
Client: United Kingdom
Short Description: Client asked me to create SMTP service
Tools and Technologies: Microsoft Office 365, Azure, NodeJS(Express), Angular
Project Team: 4 engineers
My Role: Application Developer
Client: Canadian company
Project title OHL Audit Mobile Yard Jockey Short Description:
Enterprise project intended to auditing finished goods www.ohl.com I have created 90% of the mobile app with using Apache CORDOVA, and IONIC
Project title Anticipated discharge Manager
Short Description: an app for USA clinic, allows to manage data of sick people
Project title ServiceNow
Short Description: web app which is some kind of HELP DESK I took a part in creating these service
Project title Micronet
Short Description: .NET CMS fixing bugs in .NET CMS
Project Title: CallParrot
I have created web-service and phone app for kids with using Apache Cordova, NodeJS, MySQL
Project title - XPERT
Short Description: web-site for enshurance company Technologies: C# ASP .NET MVC 4, Angular 1
serving ATMs. POS-terminals(I was very successful, and I was promoted 3-times, the reason I have left the PRAVEX BANK, was because of a small salary)
Microsoft Office, Excel developer Being a small sales manager, I have created the app which allows to calculate cars credit with 0.01 accuracy with no internet connection, at that time there was no 3-G internet in Ukraine
Підписатись на розсилку нових резюме: "Python developer в Львові"