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  3. Резюме в Києві
  4. Резюме System Architect, Team Leader, Senior Developer в Києві
  5. System Architect, Team Leader, Senior Developer
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System Architect, Team Leader, Senior Developer

3 700 грн.
 10 вересня 2019  Місто: Київ
Вік:60 років
Режим роботи:вільний графік роботи, віддалена робота
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці
 Перебуваю в шлюбі  Є діти  Готовий до відряджень

Досвід роботи

ведущий программист аналитик
Fordewind (IT, automotive), Київ
10.2018 − По теперішній час (5 років 11 місяців)

Проектирование и разработка ПО


Киевский государственный университет им. Шевченко (Київ)
Кибернетики, математик
повна вища, 09.1980 − 07.1985 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Знання мов:

Англійська - Вище середнього

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: 25+ years of international experience in implementation of the software systems, determining and processing the customer requirements, writing program specifications and development of the products. Strong background in applied mathematics, especially Computer Science. Strong experience in IT systems design, software design, practical programming techniques and technologies, including multithreading and multiprocessing. Worked as Project Leader, Feature Leader, Team leader, System Architect, Senior developer, and programmer. Have an experience in the implementation and work under the software development process standards (CMM level 3, CMMI level 3-4, Agile, SCRUM), and the quality assurance technologies. Expert in Windows (Win16, Win32, Win64) system and application programming (MFC — from ver.1.0, ATL), including Internet-aware applications, TCP/IP, Web applications, SOA. Have strong knowledge of UNIX operating system. Strong experience in programming in C, C++ (MFC, ATL, STL, gcc, Boost), Java (J2EE), Visual Basic, SQL and scripting languages. Good knowledge of HTML, DHTML and XML-related technologies. Good knowledge of UML and SDL technologies. Designed and developed complicated GUI, DBMS, emergency (real-time) systems, distributed systems, and programming tools. Have 12 printed articles on event-driven systems, real-time communications and trading technologies. 25+ years of international experience in implementation of the software systems, determining and processing the customer requirements, writing program specifications and development of the products. Strong background in applied mathematics, especially Computer Science. Strong experience in IT systems design, software design, practical programming techniques and technologies, including multithreading and multiprocessing. Worked as Project Leader, Feature Leader, Team leader, System Architect, Senior developer, and programmer. Have an experience in the implementation and work under the software development process standards (CMM level 3, CMMI level 3-4, Agile, SCRUM), and the quality assurance technologies. Expert in Windows (Win16, Win32, Win64) system and application programming (MFC — from ver.1.0, ATL), including Internet-aware applications, TCP/IP, Web applications, SOA. Have strong knowledge of UNIX operating system. Strong experience in programming in C, C++ (MFC, ATL, STL, gcc, Boost), Java (J2EE), Visual Basic, SQL and scripting languages. Good knowledge of HTML, DHTML and XML-related technologies. Good knowledge of UML and SDL technologies. Designed and developed complicated GUI, DBMS, emergency (real-time) systems, distributed systems, and programming tools. Have 12 printed articles on event-driven systems, real-time communications and trading technologies. Полное резюме доступно по запросу.

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