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  1. Робота в Україні
  2. Резюме
  3. Резюме в Києві
  4. Резюме Test engineer в Києві
  5. Test engineer
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Баранова Наталія

Professional resumeПрофесійне резюме, в якому вказані: ел.пошта, телефон, зарплатня, досвід роботи, освіта та інша важлива інформаціяTest engineer

7 000 грн.
 19 липня 2022  Місто: Київ
Вік:49 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день, віддалена робота
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці; Офісний персонал; Транспорт, автосервіс
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або зареєструйтеся на сайті як роботодавець, щоб бачити контактну інформацію.

Досвід роботи

TMM express (Логістіка), Київ
04.2017 − 06.2022 (5 років 2 місяці)


- (Київ)
середньо-спеціальна, 02.1994 − 01.1997 (2 роки 11 місяців)

Додаткова освіта

 QA Manual Testing

Знання мов:

Англійська - Початковий

Додаткова інформація

Знання комп'ютера, програм: Natalia Baranova Intern/Trainee QA , Junior QA Location: Ukraine, Kyiv Nationality: Ukrainian SKILLS • JIRA, Confluence • Practice with Postman, Trello, GitHub tools • Testing the application on the android emulator • Sales force CRM • 1C enterprise, 1C accounting • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) • Methodology: Agile (SCRUM, KANBAN), Waterfall • Languages: English (A1), Ukrainian (L1), Russian (L2) Certifications • QualityAssuranceEngineer(Certificate) • Copywriting Specialist EXPERIENCE TMM express, Kyiv - client manager • Acceptance of applications by phone, email, etc. • Registration of applications from customers and partners - import and in Ukraine • Maintaining a customer base 1C • Receiving shipments from customers • Work with clients of the American Embassy and other consulates • Registration and processing of payments 1C • Solving problem situations when picking up or sending a client's cargo Private Person, Kyiv – Copywriter • Compiling a text on a given topic Alfa Insurance, Kyiv - Leading Specialist • Sale of medical insurance, car insurance, etc. at a meeting and by phone (cold calls) • Work with applications for insurance issued by the client on the site • Registration of an insurance contract • Maintaining a database of CRM clients • Tracking the terms of the contract and prolongation of insurance contracts • Development/management of reports for senior management Positive Line, Kyiv - HR manager, 2005 - 2008 • Search for a suitable candidate for a specific position • Conducting interviews • Receiving calls • Development/management of reports for senior management EDUCATION College of St. James, Kyiv – Teacher KVPU, Kyiv - clothing design specialist
Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Confidentia Certificate of Completion Nataliia Baranova Lectures participation & practical tasks completion on the topics: ▪ Software development & software development methodology. ▪ Testing Basics. Levels, methods and types of testing. ▪ Analysis of software requirements. ▪ Salesforce Development Introduction. ▪ Test Design Practice. ▪ IDE, Version Control and Git Branching. ▪ Additional tools for working with tasks, tests and bugs. ▪ Basics of WEB-technologies for QA specialists. ▪ Testing of desktop and mobile applications. ▪ Databases Basics for QA specialists. ▪ Test automation Basics. ▪ Load testing and tools for its implementation (JMeter, Gatling). Total: 32 hours Course Instructor: Viacheslav Sakharov QA Manual Course 19.04.2022 – 10.06.2022
Мета пошуку роботи, побажання до місця роботи: Hello! My name is Natalia. I am interested in a position Intern/Trainee QA, Junior QA. I would be happy to join your team to bring maximum value. By the way, my main skills are critical thinking, flexibility, excellent communication skills, quick to lea

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