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  4. Резюме Директор технічний в
  5. Директор технічний
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Директор технічний

30 000 грн.
 23 травня 2024  Місто: Львів
Вік:54 роки
Режим роботи:повний робочий день, позмінна робота, плаваючий графік роботи
Рубрики: Виробництво; Керівництво; Транспорт, автосервіс
 Перебуваю в шлюбі  Є діти  Готовий до відряджень




LLC "Fujikura Automotive

Ukraine Lviv"

October 2015 — February 2020

LLC «CVG Ukraine» (Automotive


August 2012 — April 2015

Head of technical department

Ensuring the operation of the technical department as part of a multi-functional team

with clear and open communication;

Providing uninterrupted and technically correct operation and reliable operation of the

equipment of the enterprise, increasing its variability, keeping the work in a capable

state with the required level of accuracy.

Ensuring maintenance expense control by budgeting and routinely reviewing


Monitoring and ensuring management of capital expenditure;

Organization and development of plans (schedules) of inspections, tests and

preventive repairs of equipment in accordance with provisions of the system of

planned and preventive repairs, approves these plans and controls their

implementation, provides technical preparation of production;

Supervises the conclusion and implementation of contracts related to the introduction

of new technology;

Ensuring the management of the department staff and units that provide repair

services to the equipment, buildings and facilities of the enterprise;

Ensuring and providing implementation of Project Foundations throughout the

preparation and execution of all capital and industrialization projects;

Control order process and supply of spare parts.

Technical Director

Ensuring that the investment strategy stemming from business strategy provides a

framework for the management of capital investment within the facility;

Maintenance of inter-repair service, timely and qualitative repair and modernization of

equipment, work to increase its reliability and durability, technical supervision of the

state, decrease in downtime, repair of buildings and structures, provides the rational

use of materials for repair work by external suppliers and the technical department;

Technical support process of production;

Organization and development plan (schedule) reviews, tests and preventive repair of

the equipment under the terms of system planning and preventive maintenance,

monitoring implementation;

Ensuring maintenance expense control by budgeting and routinely reviewing


  1. Control order process and supply of spare parts.

State Enterprise International

airport Lviv "Danylo Galicky"

August 2011 — August 2012

LLC «LEONI» (Automotive


February 2009 — August 2011

Lviv State Communal Enterprise


July 2009 — September 2009

State Aviation Enterprise "Lviv


August 2000 — August 2008

State Aviation Enterprise "Lviv


February 1990 — August 2000

Chief of Fire and rescue flight support

- Rescue, fire-fighting, and rapid response to emergencies on for providing flights to Lviv

International Airport, during the Euro 2012 championship.

- Operational management service.

Engineer of services and maintenance of equipment company

- Organization and implementation work on introduction of comprehensive

mechanization and automation, to promote the technical level of production,

productivity, improve quality and increase production, provision of favorable

working conditions and security.

- Organization of operational procedures and periodic scheduled and maintenance

of equipment's facility.


- Full Enterprise Management

Radio operator of the aircraft IL-76

- Implementation of international flights of the Europe-Africa-Asia as a member crew.

- Serving flight-manager in Madrid, Lisbon, Naples.

The technician, engineer of aviation and radio-electronic equipment of aircraft

- The technician, engineer of aviation and radio-electronic equipment of aircraft

- Technical maintenance and repair of aircraft and radio-electronic equipment of aircraft.

- Operational and periodic maintenance of aircraft..


ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems Training Course.

ISO 4500:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Training


EDUCATION Lviv National University "I


September 1996 — May 2001

Electronic and aviation


September 1987 — February


Tools for effective team


June 2018 — June 2018

English philology

Aviation Technical College in Kriviy Rig

Andrii Pastushchak 2

Certificate of Attendance May 2018 — May 2018

Training for Business

HBPI company LTD

- ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems Training Course.

- ISO 4500:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Training


INTERESTS Music, sports, cars, tourism, traveling.


Ukrainian, Russian -are free.

English- above average level

Polish - medium level.Andrii

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