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  4. Резюме Frontend (React, Next.js) developer в Києві
  5. Frontend (React, Next.js) developer
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Резюме Frontend (React, Next.js) developer
Burhonov Fedir

Frontend (React, Next.js) developer

 30 квітня 2024  Місто: Київ
Вік:41 рік
Режим роботи:повний робочий день, вільний графік роботи, віддалена робота
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці
 Перебуваю в шлюбі  Є діти 
або зареєструйтеся на сайті як роботодавець, щоб бачити контактну інформацію.

Досвід роботи

Frontend developer
MD Finance (An international fintech company specializing in financial projects across various markets and market segments), Київ
01.2017 − По теперішній час (8 років 2 місяці)
  • elopment of standalone modules and components for future use in projects;
  • Development of additional libraries for user tracking;
  • Deployment of projects using React+MobX+Next.js+TypeScript;
  • Deployment of the Storybook project for visualizing created components;
  • Development of a constructor for email campaigns;
  • Development of website templates for CMS WordPress;
  • Integration of vendor-provided tools into the project;
  • Creation of applications for internal use;
  • Porting projects from PrimeFaces to Next.js;
  • Responsive design for web and mobile devices;
  • Layout of email and SMS campaigns;
  • Support and updates for websites on CMS Joomla;
  • Support and updates for websites developed on PrimeFaces.
Frontend developer
Wargaming (Persha studia) (One of the largest producers in the free-to-play, MMO market), Київ
08.2014 − 10.2016 (2 роки 1 місяць)
  • Development of extensions for Chrome and Firefox browsers;
  • Development of landing pages for the website builder;
  • Development of JS libraries;
  • Enhancement of the promo website builder;
  • Review/Refactoring of landing pages provided by vendors;
  • Creation of a constructor for email campaigns;
  • Responsive design for web and mobile devices;
  • Layout of email campaigns.
WEB Technologies Specialist
Paradigm Group (A marketing agency), Київ
05.2012 − 02.2014 (1 рік 9 місяців)
  • Creation and maintenance of projects based on internal CMS, Bitrix, Joomla, WordPress;
  • Support and updates for the frontend part of clients' and company websites.


Open International University «Ukraine» (Київ)
Software Engineering, Computer Systems and Networks
повна вища, 09.2013 − 09.2018 (5 років )

Додаткова освіта

 React+TS fwdays’23 Conference
 AI Conference Kyiv 2021
 International educational company 'Web Academy' Frontend Master (TypeScript, React, Next, Redux, MobX)
 Kyiv Educational Center 'Cursor' Web Programming (JS, PHP, MySQL)
 Art Studio 'Flamingo' Drawing, painting
 Computer Academy 'IT STEP' Web design (Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash (motion animation, AS2), 3DMax)
 Computer Academy 'IT STEP' (Computer network administrator)

Знання мов:

Англійська - Середній, Українська - Високий рівень (вільно)

Додаткова інформація

Знання комп'ютера, програм: TypeScript, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, ECMAScript6, React, React Hooks, MobX, Next.js, Express.js, jQuery, REST API, HTML, SCSS, CSS, BEM, Node.js, Redux, Flux, npm, Yarn, Postman, EJS, Handlebars.js, Webpack, Git, Figma, Jira, YouTrack, PostgreSQL
Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: I’m a front-end developer. My profession is my satisfaction. I am passionate about new technologies, achievements, and experiences in the field of web development, and have been continuously expanding the boundaries of my professional skills. I work effectively in a team setting, as well as independently, maintaining a successful rapport with all the parties involved. I’m creative and enthusiastic about the projects I work on, always striving to deliver the best results possible.
Мета пошуку роботи, побажання до місця роботи: I am waiting for interesting and versatile projects. Ability to work with new technologies. Be a member of a professional frontend development team.

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