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  4. Резюме Interpreter, Top Manager, Office Manager, Office Administrator, Manager of Foreign Economic Activity в Києві
  5. Interpreter, Top Manager, Office Manager, Office Administrator, Manager of Foreign Economic Activity
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Interpreter, Top Manager, Office Manager, Office Administrator, Manager of Foreign Economic Activity

6 500 грн.
  8 квітня 2017  Місто: Київ
Вік:61 рік
Режим роботи:повний робочий день
Рубрики: Нерухомість та страхування

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Participation in Projects: Centre of Bone Marrow Transplantation; TACIS program; boundary auto-transition service “Autoport Krakovets”; European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; report of Vice-Chairman of Ukrneftegazprom of Ukraine in Austria; Danish assistance in investigation and remediation of military sites in Ukraine; commercial bank “Tavrika”, Insurance company “Aska-Life”; Contact Seminar within the field of higher and secondary education “Sweden-Ukraine” financed by Visby Program; Joint American-Ukrainian project for training medical employees to work in the US hospitals; Joint Ukrainian-Romanian governmental project of the Ministry of the Interior of Ukraine. Additionally: Professor of English at T. Shevchenko Kiev National University, language linguistic center “Lingvo”, teaching English the flying control officers of airport Zhulyani at “Aerolingva”, teachers/students exchange with Sweden in the field of secondary and higher education, tourist guide for sightseeing in Kiev. Professional experience, skills and knowledge of an Interpreter (since 1986) and Teacher of English (since 1985); - long-term experience of oral/written translations in the field of: business, physics, electronic devices, equipment & machines, pharmacology & biotechnologies, medicine & medical equipment, oil & gas, pumping stations, optics, electron-beam welding, electricity, etc. - English and Ukrainian (both fluent), French (Pre-Intermediate) & German (Elementary); - assistant head of translation department; - execution & signing of International Contracts and different kinds of Agreements, Supplementary Agreements, Exhibits to Contracts; import/export of goods, liability for import of goods till their clearing up at the customs; - preparation and translation the shipping documents into Russian/Ukrainian, great experience in business contacts with foreign suppliers/manufacturers, courier and transport services; - office administration/office equipment/business correspondence/Safety Data Sheets, GMP, FDA & different kinds of Certificates; Manuals, User’s & Operating Instructions for equipment, Maintenance Instructions; - coordination of the process of medical products registration, preparing dossiers for registration of medical products and equipment, DMFs, corresponding letters and documents; translations in medicine (genetics, immunology, cardiology, neurology, oncology, etc.) - notarial certification of translations and documents; - assistance in organization of seminars and presentations; general administrative support to Director, drafting of letters and documents. - participation in scientific workshops, meetings and negotiations with foreign partners (USA, Great Britain, Italy, Canada, Germany, Denmark, France); - business correspondence/invitations/ contacts with foreign business partners & clients, preliminary settlement of issues by phone; - proofreading and editing texts intended for different purposes, including the company’s website, translation of brochures & booklets; - computer skills: very fluent typing / literate PC advanced user, MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), Internet, Outlook Express, FW, SMART, training programs: TOEFL, CAMBRIDGE, OXFORD; - business trips abroad, getting visas at Embassies, reservation of hotel rooms/ airplane tickets / arranging business trips.. Schevchenko Kyiv National University, the Romano-Germanic philology department (1980-1986): profession – romano-germanic languages and literature, qualification – philologist, teacher of English2nd State Courses of Foreign Languages, French department (1981-1982); Courses of Foreign Languages at the House of Officers, English department (1988-1989).

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