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  5. Senior Full-Stack Software Developer
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Janak Peter

Senior Full-Stack Software Developer

295 000 грн.
  6 вересня  Місто: Житомир
 Готовий до переїзду в: Чехія, Італія
Вік:39 років
Режим роботи:віддалена робота, часткова зайнятість
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці; Реклама, маркетинг, PR; Робота за кордоном
 Перебуваю в шлюбі 
або зареєструйтеся на сайті як роботодавець, щоб бачити контактну інформацію.


Peter Janak

Address: Milton Keynes, UK



GitHub: | Website:


Highly motivated and hard working individual with an ability to adapt to ever-changing technologies is seeking for new opportunities in Web development. Passionate about collaboration with others and self-improvement.


March 2017 ヨ Present

IMS Evolve ヨ Senior Full-Stack Software Developer

ユ Developing software solutions using Javascript / Node.js and Ext.js

ユ Migrating existing code base from Perl to Node.js

ユ Integration with 3rd Party products

ユ Using source control for code versioning and review

ユ Writing unit tests with Mocha, should.js and sinon

ユ Using SQL for data analysis and manipulation in Oracle or MariaDB databases

April 2018 ヨ Present

UDACITY ヨ Mentor/Project reviewer

ユ Providing students with a assistance and guide them throughout their Nanodegree program. Invested in their progress, learning experience and, ultimately, their success.

ユ Review student project submissions while giving valuable feedback in order for them to meet project specifications and follow best practices for HTML,CSS and Javascript or libaries/frameworks such as jQuery, bootstrap or Jasmine.js

Technical Skills

ユ Languages: HTML5, CSS ( Sass ), JavaScript ( ES6 ), Python, SQL

ユ VCS: Git \ GitHub

ユ Others: Node.js, Ext.js, Ember.js, Linux


Udacity: Senior Front End Web Developer, NanoDegree January 2017

Udacity: Front End Web Developer, NanoDegree May 2016

Treehouse: Front End Web Developer January 2016

London Academy of IT: Html, Css, JavaScript October 2015

*Languages : English (C1), Slovak (C2), Czech (C2), Ukrainian (A1)

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