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  4. Резюме Game Designer в Києві
  5. Game Designer
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Резюме Game Designer
Zybina Lina

Game Designer

  5 грудня 2023  Місто: Київ
Вік:30 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці; Дизайн, творчість
або зареєструйтеся на сайті як роботодавець, щоб бачити контактну інформацію.

Досвід роботи

Game Designer, Content Designer
FireFog Games (IT)
05.2020 − 04.2023 (2 роки 11 місяців)

• Creation and detailed description of game locations for the project "Time Master" (Casual Casino genre), including the generation and selection of references, as well as their graphic design (more than 100 game locations have been successfully released).

• Preparation of documentation, including technical specifications and tasks for artists to ensure a clear understanding of the requirements for game locations.

• Active collaboration with artists throughout the creation of each location from sketch to final render (providing edits and approvals at each stage to maintain an acceptable quality/speed ratio for location rendering).

• Continuously analyzing and optimizing game locations to enhance the gameplay experience.

• Active participation in the creative process and proposing new ideas to improve gameplay and game mechanics.

• Welcoming feedback and being ready to adapt work in accordance with changes in the project.

• Demonstrating responsibility, communication skills, friendliness, and loyalty when working as part of a team.

 Є рекомендації з даного місця роботи


НТУ "ХПІ" (Харків)
Біотехнологія та аналітична хімія
незакінчена вища, 09.2011 − 10.2015 (4 роки )

Додаткова освіта

 Game Design Beginning course by Projector Institute, 25.04.2023 - 15.08.2023

Знання мов:

Англійська - Середній, Українська - Вище середнього, Російська - Професійний (експерт)

Додаткова інформація

Знання комп'ютера, програм: Trello Adobe Photoshop Google Docs Midjourney Google Spreadsheets Preparing Tasks for Artists Communication Skills Ability to Work in a Team Fast Learner Perception and Issuance of Feedback Sharing Ideas Writing Documentation Mobile Games
Мета пошуку роботи, побажання до місця роботи: Ideal working conditions for me: 1. Friendly team; 2. Interesting projects; 3. High quality of the company's products.

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